Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TalkRadar UK Episode 80 (Nintendo 3DS)

Listen now...

Good day�to you.�Swooping in from the clouds like a mighty griffin�with murder in it's mind is another episode of TalkRadar UK. This week the men discuss their personal experiences with 3DS, now that they each have one at home, Justin get's a fizzy feeling in his groinal zone as he chats about Pok�mon Pinball in the Appreciation Section, and Cundy is diagnosed with dry eyes LIVE ON AIR!

There's also the usual gaming chatter�and a few humorous�tales from the MotorStorm Apocalypse event that the men attended recently. So sit back, relax and let the men of GamesRadar UK talk gaming nonsense into your ear holes. Enjoy.

TalkRadar UK Fan Art

More, more, more! How do we like it? How do we like it? Well, when it comes to the superb fan art you've been supplying we'd like it in droves. As previously stated, any new person featured on this page will be sent a limited edition GamesRadar branded USB stick, complete with behind the scenes images from GR Towers. So drop 'em�here. To claim your prize e-mail


Above: Simple, yet brilliant. We all had a right old laugh at this piece of genius


Above: An L.A. Noire inspired poster depicting the mystery of Dave Meikleham. Bloody awesome

GamesRadar hotline

Right, here's the deal... DO: Send us game related questions/trivia or a confession. Ensure that your� text isn't a small essay. DON'T: Send us chain texts, jokes or requests asking for a job. Got it? So with the serious crap out of the way, please do drop us a line�we'll play your dulcet tones across the airwaves via the wonders of technology. Or simply�drop us a text. We love hearing from you guys.�All calls and texts charged at your local standard rate.

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The info bit

Post date: Wednesday 16th March 2011
Run time:�01 hour�06 minutes�03 seconds
Intro music:�Sabrepulse�| Outro and minigame music:�The Disco King
Find all the previous episodes of TalkRadar UK on our�compendium page

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