Thursday, March 3, 2011

GDC 2011: An Unlikely Breakfast Combination

As we discussed in a previous post the Game Developers Conference provides a complimentary lunch for members of the media such as myself, but what of lunch's big brother, breakfast?

The press room stocks a mountain of muffins for hungry videogame journalists in the morning, which doesn't last long because frugal jerks like me eat two (the record so far is four muffins, set by Tim Rogers on Wednesday). Varieties include banana nut, poppyseed, bran, blueberry and chocolate, and for the most part they're pretty good muffins.

What confuses me about this situation is the big bowl of orange marmalade next to the muffins. What is that about? Do people put orange marmalade on muffins? Is that a thing? That's kind of gross.

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