As is to be expected, the release of Duke Nukem Forever has stirred quite a storm of controversy both in terms of its contents and the reviews that have been written about it so far. The members of the 1UP Community haven't been shy regarding their thoughts on both issues.
1UP member BrokenH posted a dedicated blog focusing on the less than savory morals and the picture it paints of women in games.
Additionally, other members have taken to the forums to post their unabashed opinions in this discussion thread.
From the many, here is a selection of impressions across the board:
"I made up my mind and I agree with a lot of people on some retro forums. I will be buying this game tomorrow. A lot of the reviews seem biased towards comparing it to modern day generic FPSes, and that's a mistake right there. Not to say that this game is flawed but at least it has personality. And I'm not going to debate my decision further. This is obviously a game stuck in the 1990s, and for a lot of people that seems to be a selling point."
- Ashibaka"This is going to end up being a piece of history. I may keep it from Gamefly just for that reason."
- TheLastMoogleNEGATIVE:
"This game never looked appealing to me. Duke Nukem was mediocre at best during his reign, only really gaining popularity for the crude jokes, funny one liners, and topless nudity. The games were a gimmick at best back then, expecting anything more of the series now is silly. This game should have released shortly after its production began, because at least then people would have been more interested in buying it."
- Sorano "As far as I'm concerned Duke is dead. 2K got what they wanted, and now it's on to other things as DNF bombs at retail. Besides, Bulletstorm is the new hotness." - UltramanJNEUTRAL:
"Let's be honest with ourselves. Gearbox bought this project to make another Duke Nukem game. Once this thing sells a million plus regardless of quality, Gearbox will have their green light to make a new modern Duke Nukem game. They're a great developer, but no one can realistically think that they bought this project solely to find out how much was left to make in Duke Nukem Forever. Look for a new Duke game to be announced in the next year."
- zachwor"I just want a FPS that goes back to the old school design of large maze-like levels filled with secrets. DOOM, Quake, and Duke 3D are still games I enjoy playing today more so than almost every FPS that's on the market now. As far as I'm concerned the only good FPS made nowadays are some RPG hybrid game while all the pure FPS just fall into 4-hour super-linear campaigns mixed with a multiplayer I never give a shit about. It's pretty annoying."
- DevlinDarkness"IMO with all the reactionary scores these media outlets are throwing around, they should realize they asked for this shit... gamers too. nobody would just let it die, and game culture is so obsessed with having some kind of inside jokes, and some running gag they can all use to solidify themselves as in tune with gaming history or something like it's a rose tinted meme. Sometimes you should just let the past go.
working on Duke Nukem forever for the teams involved was probably the equivalent of your boss putting you in a cubicle in the basement because he doesn't like you, so you're not going to be inspired or productive in the least... grunt work, 'let's just do this for now guys, then maybe we can make a real game next year' - even if you wanted to drudge up a dead franchise, you don't have to go with the 'Forever' tag or pull out some stinking shit that someone didn't finish taking for a reason.
the abysmal failure persisted simply 'cause people wanted it to."
- Dub_Z
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