Saturday, October 8, 2011

FarmVille Movie Could be Written by Toy Story Scribes


There have been some wacky games optioned for movies -- Asteroids, Missile Command -- so the idea of a FarmVille movie shouldn't shock you or anything. That might be your reaction anyway to what was hinted at in a recent interview with two noteworthy Hollywood writers.

Speaking with IGN, Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen were asked about what they're working on besides the story for the upcoming Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure game.

"So, yes, we will continue writing movies," the duo said. "We are also working on several new and very exciting opportunities. We're in conversations with Zynga to do something with one of their brands. Can't really say too much on that front yet, but 'Old MacDonald' didn't have a factory, if you get our drift."

It's not the most subtle of hints, and it doesn't take much of a leap to arrive at FarmVille as the Zynga game being targeted for a movie. At least it's a better choice than Words With Friends.

Sokolow and Cohen are best known as two of the writers of the original Toy Story. Since then, the two have worked together on a number of projects, some of them not half-bad (Money Talks) and others... not so great (Evan Almighty, Daddy Day Camp). It's not the most stellar of track records, particular given that Toy Story was released way back in 1995.

FarmVille was, once upon a time, the most popular game on Facebook, drawing in tens of millions of users a month. According to AppData, the top position is currently occupied by Zynga's city-building game, CityVille, which sees in excess of 74 million monthly active users. EA's new The Sims Social follows that with 66.5 million, while FarmVille has fallen all the way to the number five spot with 35.4 million, a far cry from the 80 million-plus it enjoyed not that long ago.

Zynga has refused to confirm that a FarmVille movie is in the works.


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