Monday, October 10, 2011

PS Vita Hands-On Editor Roundtable

We recently visited Sony for a Vita press event where their goal wasn't to reveal information, but to allow media to spend more time with many of the same builds that were at last month's Tokyo Game Show. So after we each spent a couple hours of hands-on time -- spread across Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Resistance: Burning Skies, Wipeout 2048, Hot Shots Golf, Gravity Rush, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Reality Fighters, and Little Deviants -- we sat down and had a chat about what we liked and disliked.

Jose Otero: I'm kind of torn on my favorite game from the event. I dug Gravity Rush because it's a fresh concept that utilizes a really cool-looking floating mechanic to maneuver the main character around -- it's an action game, sure, but it also uses mechanics I don't think I've seen before. On the other hand, I liked UMvC3 because it's a known quantity for me and I find that genre really appealing. So I'm stuck between the game I recognize and another that looks cool, but I don't really know enough about.

Mike Nelson: I liked Hot Shots Golf, but I'm a fan of that series... It does show up on every Sony platform -- it's almost like Ridge Racer in a way. Still, I liked what I played. Call me simple, but I like that on any kind of hardware.

JO: Well in some ways you and I are both sticking to something we know. What about you, Matt?

Matt Leone: Gravity Rush was certainly my favorite of this batch. I like the creativity and that art style, and a lot of the other games at the event gave me exactly what I expected, whereas Gravity Rush and some of the others we didn't see today like Escape Plan and Sound Shapes are more experimental. So I really like that part of it. I'm a little skeptical of the controls, like when you're trying to fight the boss at the end of the demo they showed, and it's kind of awkward to get in there and hit it properly, but the game looks great.

I'm actually kind of surprised none of us picked Uncharted -- I figured that was the safest bet on Vita, given the license and developer. I was a little thrown by the aiming in its demo -- moving the reticule felt a lot looser than it does in the PS3 games. I'm guessing the developers will tighten that up before release, but that made this demo a little less enjoyable than I was expecting.

MN: I didn't pick it because I didn't get the chance to play it, just to be clear. If I were to get a Vita, I'd be getting Uncharted. Hands down. You guys are better to speak on it right now, though.

JO: I agree with Matt's issues with the aiming. The controls did feel very loose and it was harder to line up shots than I'm used to. But I think the other reason I didn't pick it as a favorite game of this Vita showcase is that Uncharted 3 is coming out, and I'm much more excited for that game. I can appreciate the amount of effort I see Sony Bend putting into the Vita version of Uncharted, but Sony choosing to put that game out the same year as its console sibling doesn't make sense to me. I see Uncharted 3 as the bigger game and therefore I'm more inclined to play that one.

ML: Well technically it's not coming out the same year -- Golden Abyss is 2012.

JO: What was your least favorite game there Matt?

ML: Reality Fighters. Man, that game is weird.

MN: That's my pick as well.

ML: It's one of those things that you would expect to see in a research and development lab at Sony somewhere, but you would never want them to charge a lot of money for. I don't know if it's going to be a retail or downloadable game or how much it might cost, so for all I know Reality Fighters could be a free piece of software, but...

JO: You're right, I mean this could be the equivalent of Face Raiders on 3DS -- a pack in game that uses a few system features.


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