Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Xbox 360 Dashboard Update Preview Sign-Ups Have Begun

Xbox 360 fall dashboard update 2011

The Microsoft connect site launched a page devoted to a preview program for the Xbox 360 fall dashboard update yesterday, presumably a bit earlier than intended. Registration on that site has now been opened -- on purpose -- and all Xbox 360 owners are free to sign up for the chance to check out some of the 360's new features ahead of the update's release.

You can sign up here for the chance to get in. Unlike previous tests, you won't need to provide specific information about your console upfront; should you be accepted, you'll then have to register your console. To enroll you'll need to fill out a survey that asks if you're an Xbox Live Gold member, how much you play games and watch movies/TV on the system, what social networks you're a member of, and so on.

It's laid out very clearly that the preview program is confidential; those who get in won't be allowed to talk about the update, share pictures or videos, or anything else of the sort. That's not to say it won't happen -- it almost always does -- but Microsoft is threatening a ban from future previews and criminal prosecution for anyone who violates the confidentiality agreement.

According to Major Nelson (whose site is taking a pounding as of this writing, rending it inaccessible), among the features the preview will let testers try is the redesigned dashboard with Kinect integration, Beacons, Facebook sharing, and cloud storage for game saves and Xbox Live profiles. More features -- including apps from new entertainment partners -- could be added at a later time.

No exact date was given for the start of the preview, nor was it stated how long it'll last. Don't expect to find out immediately if you're in, either; after signing up a message states the program "will officially start within the next two weeks, at which time all registrants will receive an e-mail update informing you of your program status."

A launch date for the update has yet to be announced. November 25 was pegged as a possibility in a recent report, and with the UFC app launching on December 1, one would think it has to be coming in November.


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