Thursday, July 21, 2011

Side by side video comparison between the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer and Mirror's Edge (Mirror's Edge)

Like everybody else on the internet, we couldn't help but notice the similarities between the brand-new trailer for the Amazing Spider-Man reboot and EA's free-running game, Mirror's Edge. The reason for this is because it's a bloody rip-off of�Faith's antics, as the video below proves. But the homage�demonstrated for�Marvel's web-slinging hero has us all needlessly excited about the possibility of a Spider-Man game done this way.

The mash-up is highly unlikely to spawn a new Spidey game in FPS (First Person Slinger) but it did make us wonder, which other comic book stars would suit which type of game genre? Superman in a kart racer�perhaps? Who wouldn't want�Super-Manio Kart, eh? Hello? Oh.�And that's the best we've got but we're sure there are more that you brainy lot will be able to recommend in the comments below.

July 21, 2011��

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