Sunday, July 17, 2011

TalkRadar 165 - Lost Innocence (Xbox 360)

Your Hosts

The Topics

Call of Duty Elite: how it improves multiplayer for both experts AND novices
Awesome or awful, Call of Duty Elite can help

A Link to the Past reimagined as a 242-card Magic: The Gathering expansion
Hyrule once again becomes part of Dominia

In the office

Above: Twitter user aelsberry spotted this Brett-a-like in horrible show Outsourced

Above: Chris enjoys Netflix and his favorite film on 3DS

Above: Our special guest editing something special

Above:�here's that big project�we've been alluding to for months. Enjoy!

In the community

Above: In order 4fromK, Batman5273 and HankVenture all had good natured fun at Mikel's health woes

Above: Bladdercat captures the horror of the Brett-o-bot

Above: Batman pretty much captured Henry's July 4th weekend

Above: Graboids gave us two Chrises too many

Above: MrSuitMan blew our minds and out butts with this bombastic art

Above: This art by TheMonarch needs to happen

Above: We close with a Batman three-peat

Post date: July 15, 2011
T-Dar�156 length: 2:02:28
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
TalkRadar Hotline: 1-877-404-1337 Ext. 327
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