Thursday, July 28, 2011

Super Mario and Mario Kart 3DS Get Release Windows, New Names

Super Mario Land 3D

As a part of today's announcement that the 3DS is dropping in price to $169.99 next month, Nintendo took to talking about what it believes to be a strong holiday software lineup. Two pillars of that are Super Mario 3D and Mario Kart 3DS, a pair of titles that now each have a new name and release month.

Super Mario 3D is now Super Mario 3D Land and is scheduled for release in November. It'll be followed a month later, in December, by what's now known as Mario Kart 7. Kid Icarus: Uprising, meanwhile, was only pegged as coming "during the holiday season." Star Fox 64 3D, as previously announced, is slated to be out on September 9.

A selection of new Virtual Console content is also on the way later this year. Coming "later in the year" are number of NES titles, including Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber, and The Legend of Zelda, that early 3DS adopters will get for free on September 1. A lineup of GBA Virtual Console games will also be made available to early adopters by the end of the year, although there are no plans to release any of them on the eShop.

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