Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Check Out The Return of the Daily 1UPdate!

You may recall the Daily 1UPdate, the news video series that we produced throughout most of last year. You may also recall that the Daily 1UPdate slowly faded from public sight toward the end of the year, with a few stuttering attempts to bring it back that didn't quite pan out. The show was a good idea in principle, but we never really found our voice.

Well, here's take two:

I'm sure you know by now that 1UP has relocated to the IGN offices, and over the coming months the site will be changing to reflect our new editorial direction and ambitions. What better way to signal our new intentions than by relaunching the Daily 1UPdate, eh? Except this time, we've dropped the static "news talk show" format in favor of something a little more varied and -- hopefully -- a lot more interesting.

You may also notice that we've taken a page or two from the old 1UP Show; the current plan is for the Daily 1UPdate to center heavily on informal conversations between editors within a more focused format. We're not calling this the 1UP Show, though. That was a product of a different time, and we realize nothing we could produce today would live up to your warm, fuzzy nostalgia for that little slice of history, no matter how great this new venture turns out to be. This is the Daily 1UPdate, and in the coming weeks we hope to establish it as its own unique venture.

So, please: Watch! Enjoy! This debut episode features the 1UP staff bidding farewell to our old offices before Ryan Winterhalter (our new features guy) and Tina Sanchez (now Community Manager for the entire IGN universe) chat with me about the games we played over the July 4th holiday. It's patriotic!

It's also a work-in-progress, so let us know what you think. What would you like to see in future episodes? How can we make the Daily 1UPdate better? How can we involve you, the 1UP community, in our new show? We want to know!

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