Monday, July 11, 2011

Free Identity Theft Protection Offer for PSN Users Extended

identity theftWhether you've been lazy, busy, or were unaware of the offer, Sony has extended the deadline to sign up for free identity theft protection by several weeks.

In addition to free games and PlayStation Plus time, all PlayStation Network users with an account prior to the PSN breach in April (when millions of users' personal data was compromised) had through June 28 to sign up for AllClear ID identity theft protection. As was revealed in an e-mail sent to eligible members late last month, a post on the PlayStation Blog states the deadline has officially been extended through July 31, giving users a few more weeks to sign up.

The identity theft protection is good for one year from the time you sign up and includes cyber monitoring, access to investigators (if the need should arise), and a $1 million insurance policy.

The first step to sign up is to provide your PSN e-mail address here. You'll then be sent an e-mail with a code to register, a process that takes only a few minutes. There's no reason why those who have it available shouldn't take advantage. After all, don't you want to get in on whatever is making these people so happy?

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