Saturday, July 2, 2011

This Week in the 1UP Community 6/27/11

Happy 4th of July! With the 3-day weekend just around the corner, enjoy the sun with a tall glass of lemonade in hand and this week's batch of community-driven content!


Critics' best of E3 awards
One easy and convenient place to check out the Game Critics Awards: Best of E3 list of games and their awards.

Outcry at NoA: Xblade, Last Story. Pandora - shafted
Upset that Nintendo of America's leaving the US out in regards to the releases of Xenoblade, Last Story and Pandora's Tower? Let your voice be heard!


Five Great Games That Got Milked To Death - By secularsage
"Guitar Hero is probably the first series that comes to mind in terms of good ideas that overstayed their welcome. The first two games were really just a novelty act with some fun music and a sense of irony. But then, the series signed with Activision and became this giant monstrosity, doubling the price of admission, creating a bunch of crummy merchandise and trying to make you upgrade your equipment every time you switched platforms."

Happy (Belated) Birthday, Sonic! - By Keylimepies
"Almost a week ago now, Sonic the Hedgehog celebrated his 20th birthday. Over the course of two decades, there's been amazing ups, dreadful downs, and (within the last eight or so years, especially) doubt that Sega's mascot would ever be viewed positively again."

Do You People Have Any Idea What You Really Want? - By Epic Greenman
"Now, there are a lot of things that stick out, but in my head there was one thing brought to mind that I would never expect when reading about Zelda: Persona. Seriously, Zelda and Link in a boarding school with social interactions and Link journeying somewhere no one else is really aware of?"


Are you amazed by effin' space? Does the wonder and vastness of the universe freak you the f*** out? This is the place for you!

A place for people who love strumming a guitar, have an interest in any guitar heavy music or even newcomers who want to learn how to play the popular stringed instrument.


Animation of big fat naked guy
by FrankGarrett316

Image from the "Artists of 1UP" message board thread. Image from 1UP user Zomber

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