Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Walkthrough

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Walkthrough ? Part I: Goatherder

  • go left
  • follow path
  • go right
  • mount horse
  • go back
  • go down other path
  • go left
    • herd goats (press A to whoop)
    • don't run into goats or whoop too many times
  • dash at fences to jump them
  • leave ranch
  • exit house
  • go to village
  • climp outcropping
  • jump across
  • pick grass
  • blow
  • set free on bee's nest in tall tree
  • jump onto roof
  • jump across outcroppings
  • blow grass
  • set free on monkey's cradle
  • jump onto roof
  • jump onto land
  • go left and meet woman
  • go left to her house
  • go across right bridge
  • go around house
  • step onto dock
  • press -
  • press B
  • press A
  • press B twice
  • hold remote vertically once lure sinks
  • catch another fish
  • press A
  • go around house
  • climb ladder
  • go right
  • climb up
  • climb onto roof
  • collect yellow rupee
  • blow grass
  • set free on chicken behind the house, to the left
  • fly to cliff next to where the chicken was
  • press A
  • collect yellow rupee
  • pick up both rocks and collect rupees
  • go to the front of the roof and collect two green rupees
  • jump off
  • collect green rupee under bridge
  • collect green rupees in the grass around the house, across the bridge
  • go back across the bridge
  • go up right cliff
  • collect two green rupees
  • climb up tall tree
  • hold Z to collect two rupees
  • jump safely down
  • enter pink shop
  • buy slingshot (approach lady and press A)
  • head home
  • equip slingshot in front of spider
  • hold Z and B (Z targets)
  • release to shoot
  • enter house
  • open chest
  • exit
  • speak to kids
  • shoot all targets (Z-target scarecrows)
  • teach them how to swordfight
  • swing remote horizontally to draw sword
  • swing again to slice scarecrow
  • Z-target, step forward and swing to stab
  • lightly shake the nunchuck horizontally to spin attack
  • Z-target and press A to jump attack
    • try pressing buttons and swinging simultaneously
  • mount horse
  • go across bridge past spring
  • follow path
  • jump fence
  • continue
  • receive lamp from man
  • ride back to gate
  • dismount
  • kill plant (slice open seeds)
  • get out lantern
  • continue
  • light all torches and webs along the way
  • go right
  • open chest
  • go back
  • go down other path
  • once out of cave, put away lantern
  • from now on collect more than 100 rupees
  • go to NW cave
  • light both torches
  • put away lantern
  • open both chests
  • go through NE gate
  • continue
  • buy lantern oil from bird for 1 rupee
  • continue
  • open chest to right before ramp
  • continue
  • break open cage
  • blow grass
  • mount horse
  • herd goats
  • go home
  • go to basement
  • get out lantern and open chest
  • exit house
  • give boy sword
  • go left
  • crawl through right tunnel

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Walkthrough ? Part II: Midna

  • dash around until Midna comes
  • do the same as the horizontal slice to break the box
  • press the down arrow to dig under the bars
  • go in other cell
  • pull chain by pressing Z and A
  • continue through open gate
  • go left
  • follow path
    • avoid water
    • kill any shadow creatures by pressing Z and A to bite them
  • go left
  • go left again
  • pull chain
  • go North
  • go right
  • pull chain
  • go West
  • crawl through left tunnel
  • go around to Midna
  • go up stairs
  • go up stairs again
    • jump across huge gaps by pressing the up arrow, and then pressing Z and A
    • climb across ropes when necessary
  • when you reach the top, kill the bats by biting them
  • climb up the stone rubble to the right of the door
  • use Midna to reach the top door
  • go North
  • push the box against the wall to the left, by holding down A and moving forward
  • climb up the box by moving forward and pressing A
  • go West
  • kill the bird by biting it
  • go North, killing the other bird
    • you can run back South to kill the next bird easier
  • go on the right platform
  • use Midna to jump onto the roof
  • go East
    • you can outrun the birds, but killing them is less heart-pounding
  • climb the stairs
  • meet Zelda
  • climb down the stairs
  • go left
  • go to the village
    • watch out for trolls along the way
  • cross the right bridge
  • get close enough to the villagers to hear them
  • go back across the bridge and dodge the bird
  • get on the rock by the cat
  • use Midna to jump on the roof
  • approach the guy
    • this is the funniest part of the whole game
  • use Midna to jump on the next roof
  • go in
  • climb on the table
  • use Midna to jump on the second story
  • dash into the wall under the shield twice
  • pick it up
  • jump out the window
  • go to the right side of the SE house, without being seen by either humans
  • press the right or left arrow to use your senses
  • dig under the sparkling area, next to the house
  • take the sword off the couch
  • go to the spring
  • kill the shadow beast by holding Z and pressing B continuously, to bite it more than once
  • go North
  • keep using the spin attack on the shadow beasts, until Midna lets you use the energy field
  • hold B, then release once all shadow beasts are in, to use the energy field
    • avoid leaving one shadow beast alive
  • go North
  • get the Vessel of Tears from the spirit
  • go and use your senses to kill the first bugs on the map
  • collect the tears
  • go to the lantern guy's house
  • go up the left ramp
  • use Midna to jump on the house
  • talk to the guy inside
  • kill the bugs
  • exit
  • dash into the right side of the house
  • kill the bug
  • dig under the gate to the cave
  • kill the bugs
  • go through the cave
  • run into the left wall
  • kill the bugs
  • go on the left platform
  • use Midna to jump across
  • climb up the ramp
  • use Midna to jump across
  • kill the bugs
  • use Midna to continue to jump across to the West
  • Z-target and dig up the bugs to kill them
  • use your senses and dig up a yellow rupee behind the sign
  • go through the tunnel
  • kill the shadow beasts
  • go to the hidden chest and dig to the right of it to get a blue rupee
  • go up the ramp and kill the bugs
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