Thursday, May 26, 2011

The 1UP Community Responds to the Modern Warfare 3 Reveal

The Modern Warfare 3 reveal trailer was unleashed upon the Internet earlier this week, and it didn't fail to disappoint in bringing scene after scene of destruction. Amid a mixture of gameplay footage and cut-scenes, one thing was made clear: there will be a lot of globetrotting though locations in America, England, France, and Germany.

It's obvious that Tina was left hopeful, as depicted in this video, but how does the 1UP community feel about the latest installment to the Call of Duty franchise so far? Across the comments posted to news stories and our boards, here are some of the opinions shared:

"I'm not a very avid COD fan but I have to say that this game seems very inviting. Though the storyline seems far from believable, it feels as though there's a much more bigger picture brewing in the background. The level of realism and detail just keeps going up and up, I'd like to see just what Treyarch and infinity ward can do if given a different theme."

- Eakitokun

"The trailer for me was cool. Exactly what I want coming from a reveal trailer 6 months away from release. I want to see the landscapes and the color palettes of where the game takes place. I want a maniacal villain explaining how easy it is to destroy the world. I want epic linear story elements like the speed boat or the AC-130. It was (pardon the poor description of a video) fun. I didn't go in expecting to see everything, and I came out hoping that MW3 is as polished and solid as that franchise deserves. Most excited to play in France. That scenery was the shit. Definitely looking forward to playing both this and BF3 this fall."

- Horible

"Seems like the story went from being plausible in CoD4 to ridiculous in MW3. Which is weird for me to say, because nowadays I play online multiplayer more than the single-player."

- revocelot

"Honestly I'm just kind of sick of hearing about it. The original Modern Warfare was by far the best in the entire series. It was pretty original at the time and the gameplay was absolutely solid, for the most part you still had to work as a team, and it wasn't over the top ridiculous. Played a little of the World at War beta and didn't really enjoy that, MW2 didn't even pique my interest, I played maybe twenty minutes of the campaign for Black Ops and maybe a few hours of the online play, and all of this has completely killed my interest in MW3 because it has become one of those dumb-action movies and its just "that game" that everyone feels like they have to have even if they don't play other games. Its just annoying to me at this point. I will admit though, Activision really knows how to milk the cow until it can't produce anything but the manure, which is what I'm pretty sure they are using to make these games anymore."

- ClassicRKR15

Check out our more in-depth preview of what to expect from Modern Warfare 3 here.

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