As if there were any doubt, Dragon Age III has been announced by way of a tweet authored by BioWare's senior director of creative development, Alistair McNally.
"I'm looking for exceptional environment artists to join me at #BioWare Edmonton, Canada to work on #DragonAge3 #gamejobs #jobs #3D #artists," he wrote on Twitter yesterday. Somewhat surprisingly, the tweet hasn't been taken down as of yet, which is often the case when something is inadvertently revealed online.
It's not much of a surprise that a new Dragon Age would be made. While the reception for Dragon Age II (pictured above) wasn't quite as positive as the that of first game, it was still one of the top sellers in the United States when it launched in March, according to the NPD Group, and Dragon Age is one of the studio's biggest franchises right now along with Mass Effect. (BioWare is also in the process of developing the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic.)
It's possible work has already begun on the sequel; Dragon Age II lead designer Mike Laidlaw told 1UP the development of the second game started before Origins was finished. "Sure, Dragon Age 2 was begun before Origins was release," Laidlaw said. "Simply because the way development works, there were staggered roll-offs from each department. The art team had to be finished before the design team could do final lockdown who themselves had to be finished before audio lockdown who had to be finished before programming can lockdown and so on. So we began the process of Dragon Age 2 from the concept art level well before the release of Origins."
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