Saturday, May 21, 2011

Portal: Real-life turret sings and senses intruders (Portal 2)

Stop. It's time to face facts. Yes, your bedroom has a fairly powerful computer in it; and yes, those Batman figurines are pretty boss. However, a few hundred bucks' worth of consumer product does not a ?secret lair? make ? you need to stop calling it that. Also, don't try to acquire yourself one of Portal's delightfully friendly sentry bots to protect your not-a-lair... because while they DO exist in the real world, they've already been bought up ? and if you're not Cliff Bleszinski, it probably wasn't by you.

Above: ?No Photoshop work here,? promises the turret's creator

This painstakingly recreated Portal sentry turret talks, sings, senses your presence and emits a suitably eerie red laser, but it's sadly incapable of pulverizing intruders with automatic weaponry. What kind of half-assery does DIY whiz Ryan Palser ? whose�Flickr log�details the expertise that went into building the turret ? call this anyway? Only two turrets have been built ? the�second�having been snapped up by the Gears of War designer, who's�cagey about how much he paid. He's probably just embarrassed to have paid more than $60 for a robot that can't even kill anyone.

May 20, 2011

Portal 2 Easter egg guide: 30 secrets and references you may have missed
Have you seen everything Aperture Science has to offer?

Slow news day leads to Portal 2 adoption ?controversy?�
Valve ?just passing the buck,? says WBTV news anchor

Robotic engineer builds Portal 2 Personality Core replicas
Miniature Nolan North not included

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