Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blizzard: Absolutely No Diablo 3 Mods Allowed

We?ve had lots of Diablo 3 news up on GameFront today, including information on the cash-based auction house, the constant internet connection requirement, and speculation about the beta and release date. Blizzard?s blanket ban on mods, however, is just as important as the rest of these stories, and is sure to have the Internet in an uproar.

Diablo II had a long history of mods and tweaks, a history that Blizzard is clearly interested in papering over. Mods and bots would clearly have a deleterious effect on the cash-based auction house, and could be exploited by cheaters. The official statement from Blizzard reads as follows:

For a variety of gameplay and security reasons, we will not be supporting bots or mods in Diablo III, and they?ll be expressly prohibited by our terms of use for the game.

The lack of mod support is a shame, without a doubt, especially considering Starcraft II?s robust mod tools. One wonders if some of the megalithic developer?s potential clients will be turning to more mod-friendly RPG options in Q4 2011 ? Torchlight 2 and Skyrim have both promised extensive support. Even if they do, though, it?s not likely to make much difference ? the game looks like a sales juggernaut.

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