Monday, August 8, 2011

Skyrim Presentation Sends Woman Into Labor, So She Stuck Around Until it Was Over


All sorts of crazy things can happen at QuakeCon, but going into labor probably isn't especially high on most attendees' to-do lists. Nevertheless, that's exactly what happened to one couple attending the show after getting engaged at the event last year.

During a presentation on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim earlier today, a pregnant woman went into labor, Game Informer reports. Rather than leaving immediately, she and her fianc� stuck around until it was over before heading to the hospital. It wasn't entirely because they had to see the whole thing, though that probably didn't hurt.

"During the demo Todd Howard showed off the Frost Dragon. This is what started the whole thing, seeing this must have filled Stevi with so much excitement that it sent her into labor," said the new father, Chaz, in a message sent later to Game Informer. He explained that they decided to wait in case she wasn't actually in labor, meaning they "stayed for the rest of the demo because she is a trooper and LOVES Skyrim."

The couple had intended to get married during this year's QuakeCon following last year's engagement. Obviously they'll have to put those plans on hold. Hopefully everything went smoothly with the delivery of their baby girl, who is to be named Atari Lynn.

And, by extension, hopefully the expenses of having a child won't prevent them from picking up the newly-announced $150 Skyrim collector's edition, which I suspect they're rather excited about.

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