Sunday, August 14, 2011

TalkRadar 172 - Gone baby gone (Nintendo 3DS)

Your Hosts

The Topics

The 3DS games are coming! 15 exclusives you can play before the end of this year
Have faith, Nintendo 3DS owners. It gets better ? and soon

Mortal Kombat: Freddy Krueger FAP
Brett, Chris and Henry go hands-on with Wes Craven's New FIGHTmare

GamesRadar 24 hour marathon: Aug 19-20
Anybody wanna play some games with us?

QOTW: Question 172: What Warner Bros character do you want to see in Mortal Kombat?�
Media Giant Warner Bros owns Mortal Kombat as well as thousands of film and TV characters, which is why Freddy was such an easy fit into the game. Out of Warner's vast pool of characters, including Looney Tunes, the Matrix, and DC Comics, who would you add? Let us know in the forums!

In the office

Above: Brett found what may be the worst affront to Calvin yet

Above: Yup, it's happening again. Get all the important details�here

Above: Sweet Christmas! It's the final episode of Dead Island: Secret Origins!!!

In the community

Above: Batman5273 keeps things current

Above: Bladdercat channels Henry's apathy

Above: Disoa came up with the perfect sequel to our film series

Above: Hatebreeder also had a great tribute to our movie

Above: And we finish with ithurtstopoop

Post date: August 12, 2011
T-Dar�172 length: 1:50:16
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
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