Friday, May 6, 2011

Retronauts Takes on Colecovision Tomorrow, Live!

You may have heard by now that 1UP is now a part of IGN. But what does that have to do with a Retronauts article, you may wonder? Well... nothing, really. This merger, to my knowledge, does not impact the podcast in any way. In case you were wondering (and I know a bunch of you have been wondering).

As a matter of fact, it'll be business as usual this week: Tomorrow Scott Sharkey and I will be taking to the phone lines to record Episode 11 of Retronauts Live. Our topic this week? The Colecovision system.

Our podcast doesn't tend to delve much further back into game history than the mid-'80s, in large part because most people reading and listening to 1UP don't remember further back. It doesn't help that your host (that's me) doesn't have much experience with the older consoles myself, since my family couldn't afford to shell out for an Atari VCS or Intellivision -- in relative terms, those consoles cost as much back then as the PlayStation 3 did at launch! But we did have a Colecovision and its crazy home PC add-on, the ADAM. And by gum, Sharkey and I are going to talk about it... or at the very least, fail spectacularly.

And you'll be there to see us if we fail, because just like last week we'll be livestreaming the show right here as we take your calls. So if you have memories of the Colecovision or exquisite knowledge bombs to drop, please call! We won't be doing any live play afterwards since the Colecovision doesn't play well with our video feed. The show itself will be broadcast, though, so please tune in. Then call in to talk about the Colecovision. We hope to talk to you then!

Join us!

Where to call: 415-547-8778. It's a U.S. number, so beware those international charges.

When it begins: Tomorrow (Friday, May 6) at 3:45 p.m. Pacific time (which, of course, is 6:45 p.m. Eastern).

When to call: Tomorrow between 4 to 4:30 p.m. Pacific time (which, of course, is 7 to 7:30 p.m. Eastern).

Why to call: Because there aren't a lot of us here who remember the Colecovision and we could really use you guys to pad out the running time. Er, I mean, because you are awesome and we love you. Right.

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