Sunday, September 25, 2011

Team ICO Working Hard to Make The Last Guardian's Level Design Unpredictable

The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian no-showed the Tokyo Game Show last week, much to the chagrin of fans desperate to see something new from Team ICO. Fortunately, the remastered HD versions of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus will be out in just a few days, on September 27. While there doesn't appear to be a great deal of new footage of The Last Guardian in the collection, there is a roundtable discussion with the developers that reveals what's keeping them busy right now.

"As much as possible, the level design shouldn't seem too functional or rational," explained director Fumito Ueda. "It has to seem like a natural part of the atmosphere and the world, like it's been like that forever.

"Obviously we need to do the level design, but we don't want our users to notice the intent of the designer... I think that's what we're spending most of our time on right now. I think being unpredictable, giving the game unpredictability, is key for The Last Guardian. Just by their presence alone, the AI characters tend to invite unpredictable situations. That was on purpose."

Along with the Ico/SotC Collection, The Last Guardian was delayed earlier this year. It had been expected to be ready for this holiday season but is now instead looking at a release next year, although a specific date has yet to be announced for Japan or elsewhere.


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