Friday, February 25, 2011

3DS Games Available Now in Japan

The 3DS launched in Japan today with a total of eight games available at retail. Surprisingly, Nintendo itself only has one game out right now (Nintendogs), with third-party publishers picking up the slack for the other eight.

The following pages show each of the games available for purchase right now, with the best screenshots we could find!

The latest in Nintendo's series of pet simulators promises "even cuter and more expressive puppies" than the previous games. The biggest new addition here is, of course, cats!

The game also serves as a showcase for various 3DS functionality. It even includes an augmented-reality mode using the included AR cards, allowing you to play with your fake puppies on your real-world desk. You can also "walk" your pets using the built-in pedometer while the 3DS is in sleep mode.

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