Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nighttime Online Gaming Banned in Vietnam

Gamers in Vietnam will soon have to rearrange their schedules if they're used to playing videogames online at night. The country's Ministry of Information and Communication is requesting that local internet service providers block online games access between the hours of 10pm and 8am.

ISPs will have until March 3 to implement the restriction. Vietnam News reports that the ministry's Deputy Minister, Le Nam Thang, said in a statement, "Provincial departments of information and communication will inspect online games activities nationwide and deal with organizations that violate regulations by canceling their services."

The story notes that previous restrictions have also been put in place to "mitigate the side effects of online games." Certain ISPs are arguing that this latest block will cause problems for online game maintenance and will reduce "entertainment access" to adults paying good money for internet service.

And to think, many of us in the U.S. complained at one time or another about our parents telling us to stop playing games at night; just imagine if the government demanded it. Many a late night World of Warcraft raids would be interrupted, that's for sure.


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