Welcome to ClassicRadar, an ever-growing collection of GamesRadar?s greatest hits. Since tomorrow is the start of Week of Hate 2011 ? another cathartic celebration of everything we hate about our favorite hobby ? today?s feature takes you back to the first Weeks of Hate in 2008 and 2009, when we pointed out the worst of PCs, consoles, shooters, RPGs? and even ourselves. What reasons would you add to rage against these things if we were redoing the lists now?�
100 reasons to hate Xbox
Microsoft was already a widely reviled company before it set its sights on the videogame hardware market. Though the Xbox brand has been successful at taking the fight to Sony?s PlayStation products, a seemingly bottomless supply of anti-Microsoft sentiment still exists in the gaming community. We?ve rounded up the one hundred most common reasons why fanboys hate Xbox, and condensed them down to a blistering two minutes of pure, unfettered videographic rage.
Originally posted Mar 24, 2008
100 reasons to hate PlayStation
What?s the first company that comes to mind when we say ?overpriced hardware? or ?arrogant executives?? Sony has pulled more than its share of game industry boners, and our Week of Hate video calls out 100 of the most egregious.
Originally posted Mar 25, 2008
100 reasons to hate Nintendo
The fluffy, mom-friendly Nintendo brand has betrayed its true fans? or so say die-hards who moan about the company?s abandonment of hardcore gamers for little girls and the elderly. The runaway mainstream success of the Wii only makes the pill that much more bitter. To compensate, here are 100 of Nintendo?s most fantastic follies set to our trademark derisive banjo tune. Is nothing sacred?!
Originally posted Mar 26, 2008
100 reasons to hate PC gaming
Now that we?ve honed your console hatred to laser intensity, we must turn our attention to the biggest snobs in gaming. You know, those guys and gals who think consoles are children?s toys and pour every last dime into keeping their PCs upgraded with all the latest components (no one at GamesRadar is like that, we swear.) When you try to tell these people they could have purchased a comfortable mid-sized sedan for the amount of money they?ve dropped on video cards alone, they?ll launch into a diatribe about gigaflops, nanolatency, or some such eye-glazing jargon that makes you wish you hadn?t brought it up in the first place. Thus it is with some trepidation that we present you with GamesRadar?s 100 to hate PC gaming. Please don?t haxxor our servers.
Originally posted Mar 27, 2008
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