Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kombat Week: Readers strike back (Mortal Kombat (2011))

We put the feelers out there to see if you readers had anything to say on the subject of an entire week of Mortal Kombat, and you responded beautifully! First up is something I put together, but it was based on a suggestion from�Marcus J.�on Twitter that made me laugh. Everybody put on their sunglasses?NOW!

Next up, unofficial TalkRadar videographer, flabslapper whipped up a lovely little Fatality retrospective. It ain?t as comprehensive as�ours, but judging by�all the shit�we did last week, we certainly can?t fault his choice of music.

Catwood took things in a different direction. And by ?different,? I mean ?drunk!?�Boozery aside, he actually presents viewers with a fairly dope little quiz. First he describes an outlandish Fatality, then asks you to decide whether they?re real or fake. The answers... may SHOCK you!

And be sure to check out these M-Rated pics of�MK artistery!

Above: We liked Batman5273?s MK vs GR art so much, we made it the official front page art of�TalkRadar 147�

Above: Whereas graboids decided only one member of GR was fit to don the MK cloth

Above: Bobbety and poiman teamed up to create a podcast plug most fierce!

Above: Is Sensationo sensationalizing the nerfing that occurred in MK vs DC? Dunno, but it made us lol in our pants

Above: DontMessWithMeImRunningOutOfPlacesToHideTheBodies modifies an unlockable joke from the Krypt with a staff member?s face, so it counts too!

Above:�YES! Another winner from poiman... no matter what�the hell it may mean

Thanks a million, everyone! See ya next theme week.

Apr 18, 2011

The evolution of Scorpion and Sub-Zero
Two ninjas, 19 years of Mortal Kombat and one shared destiny

Mortal Kombat: The Animated Series stupidity

The history of Mortal Kombat
We examine the original arcade hit that corrupted minds and semi-started the ESRB

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