Sunday, April 17, 2011

LittleBigPlanet 2 reaches 4 million levels (LittleBigPlanet 2)

LittleBigPlanet 2 has surpassed four million player-created levels, according to Sony, which says that the game's 4,141,742 unique levels would take over 78 years to play through (at five minutes each).

"For us the most exciting thing has always been seeing what the community does with a LittleBigPlanet game when they get their hands on the new features and tools," said developer Media Molecule.

"We're constantly delighted - and amazed - by their ingenuity and creativity, and it's so inspiring to see the level of affection that exists for LittleBigPlanet amongst fans around the world."

Additionally, the PlayStation Blog has teased some of LBP2's upcoming downloadable costumes, including the pretty-damn-cool Hazmat Trooper, coming in the Killzone 3 Minipack in May:

Apr 15, 2011

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