Friday, April 22, 2011

New Duke Nukem Forever trailer is full of everything that makes Duke the man (Duke Nukem Forever)

As hard as it is to believe, Duke Nukem Forever will be on store shelves in a matter of weeks. Soon the cigar-chomping, film-quoting tough guy will forcibly enter all our systems, as the age of Duke begins again, or at least that?s what his publisher hopes. Don?t believe it?s actually going to come out? Will this new extended and uncut version of DNF?s TV ad convince you?

A truncated version of this trailer will premier tonight on the season finale of show Archer on cable channel FX, but we got our hands on the complete version a little early. After such a long ride, it?s hard to believe that Duke is close to coming, so close that a publisher would actually pay for a televised commercial for it. It simply must be ready this time right? Right?

By the way, if you aren?t watching Archer you are stupid. It's seriously�one of the funniest shows on TV with one of the best voice casts a cartoon has ever had. Just watch the below trailer to get a small taste:

Where were we? Oh right Duke. Yeah, that new trailer is pretty nice too.

Um? the end?

Apr 21, 2011

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